P M Soundar Rajan

Aerospace & Defence

Senior Visiting Fellow


Prof PM Soundar Rajan is a Senior Visiting Fellow at The Peninsula Foundation. He obtained his Masters from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
He commenced his professional career in 1973 with DRDO, Bangalore and developed Digital Radio Relay Systems. During 1978-1996, he developed Flight test Instrumentation and Telemetry systems. He played a key role in the design and development of the Light Combat Aircraft Mission Computer and Avionics Integration Rig.
At the Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE), he developed the Avionics subsystems for IAF combat aircraft. As the Chief Designer of the MiG27 avionics upgrade, he upgraded the aircraft which is in Squadron Service, delivering free fall weapons with accuracies close to Precision Guided Munitions. As the Director of DARE, he guided and progressed the development of advanced Digital Electronic Warfare systems for the IAF aircraft.
Post retirement in 2014, he is a Visiting Professor at National Institute of Advanced Studies and works on the International Strategic and Security Studies Programme, progressing studies on Cyber Security of Aerospace and Weapon Systems, AI, Next Generation Aircraft Technologies and Directed Energy Weapons.
He is the recipient of AGNI Award for excellence in Self Reliance for the year 2003 and DRDO Performance Excellence Award for the year 2008.